Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Green Monkeys Hate Snow.

The Green Monkeys Comic Strip, February 20, 2014 on

After a few days off due to ice and snow in my driveway. The Green Monkey dailies continue. Please sign up at to get this strip emailed directly to you every morning.

Work continues on adding all this year's daily comics to a ebook. Should be done one of these days.

The Green Monkeys

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Green Monkeys Comic Strip on

The Green Monkeys Comic Strip on

The Green Monkey Daily Comics is coming as an eBook as soon as I can find the time to put it all together. Should be within the next two months. It's fun to see how the comic has changed over the years. Dig back on the site and  you'll see the early versions of our little friends.

The Green Monkeys
